Admiral Peary Area Vocational-Technical School offers 17 programs of study. Application for admission is based on the completion of 9th grade, including acquiring all credits required for graduation, and application procedures at the participating sending school. Students applying are evaluated at Admiral Peary by the Guidance Department on interests, abilities, aptitudes, and learning styles prior to entering. As with any course, a strong academic background is advantageous. Test results along with student interests are used to determine appropriate program placement. For a student to obtain the most of his/her vocational career, it is stressed that they apply in their freshman year. All other grade levels will be considered through the Guidance Departments.
Placement in Admiral Peary programs is based on quotas. Each participating school receives a quota of the openings available for the following school year. This quota is based on the numerical enrollment of each of the schools, but is interchangeable between schools contingent upon the number of applicants for each program from each school.
Students will spend one-half day at Admiral Peary AVTS and the other half day at their home school district were they receive the required subjects that are necessary for graduation as specified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Admiral Peary AVTS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Admiral Peary's Title IX, Section 504 and Support Programs Coordinator, Mr. Luther, at 948 Ben Franklin Highway, Ebensburg, PA 15931-7628 or Phone (814) 472-6490. [email protected]
Enrollment procedure - Online Application:
Click on your school district below and answer all of the questions. Please select your top three program areas you would like to enroll in. Then Click submit. Your application will be sent to your home school Guidance counselor for review. If acceptable, your home school Guidance Counselor will forward your application to Admiral Peary's Guidance Counselor for review. You will be notified that Admiral Peary has received your application and it is being reviewed. You will then be notified by email whether you are accepted as a student at Admiral Peary. At a later date, your home school Guidance Counselor will let you know what program you are enrolled in.
Thank You for using the online application process as this speeds up the entire process and helps eliminate errors.