Comprehensive Plan

2023-2026 Admiral Peary AVTS Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Planning Team will be presenting the Admiral Peary AVTS 2023-2026 Comprehensive Plan (first reading) at the February 15, 2024 Meeting of the Joint Operating Committee (JOC).  In addition to the board presentation of the planning process, identified strengths and challenges, action plan for reaching the career and technical education institution’s goals, and the integrated professional development plan, the 2023-2026 Admiral Peary AVTS Comprehensive Plan is being posted for public review and comment for 28 consecutive days as per Chapter 4 of the Pennsylvania School Code.  Following public review, the Comprehensive Plan will be voted on during the March JOC Meeting.  Please review the Comprehensive Plan using the link listed below.  If you should have any questions, concerns, suggestions, and/or comments for the Comprehensive Planning Team regarding the document, please complete the Google Form no later than March 12, 2024.  Thank you in advance, as your review is greatly appreciated. 

Admiral Peary AVTS Comprehensive Plan 2023-26.pdf

Link to Google Form: